Monday, December 15, 2008

Snowed in!

It snowed late Saturday night and we woke to a winter wonderland. I wish I had had my camera when I woke up to snow on the ground, blue skies, a golden sunrise, and the lights on the development across the street. It was a pretty sight. Anyhow, we don't get snow often but when we do, it can reak havoc on the roads. This snow storm brought high winds and ice as well. So, we settled in for a nice day at home Sunday. We tried to convince Alexander it would be fun outside but I think he was picking up on my hatred of all things cold. He wouldn't budge a step outside the door. Which was just as well as the temps never got much higher than 30. Of course, I was sure we would have a snow day on Monday and I started looking forward to another day at home with my boys. No such luck. My district was 2 hours late, a co-worker had to pick me up on the main road, and this afternoon the roads weren't much better when she dropped me off and I walked home on a sheet of ice. Thank goodness I learned how to walk on snow/ice during my college days in Pullman! As of now, we are expected to be on time to work tomorrow. Our hill is a sheet of ice. Tell me how I'm supposed to get there by 7:30 tomorrow morning?

And they say more snow is in the forecast! Could winter break start a little early this year? Keep your fingers crossed!

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