Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Recap

So, the last couple of posts have had some weird spacing issues. As in, HUGE spaces between words and pictures. I haven't quite figured out how to fix it. I figured I'd post a lot of pictures and write captions and see if I can re-adjust, if necessary.
Anyhow, we had a wonderful time at Grandma Great with loads of loved ones around us. Auntie Kimmie was called in as the substitute bunny and did a fantastic job, hiding our plates.

It was a very Happy Easter (and the kid collected enough to pay for six months worth of binkies)!

Baby Marigold makes the cutest Easter Bunny, wouldn't you agree?


I love how much these two love and laugh together.

The Egg Hunt begins

After the hunt, the kids play and play and play.
And Alexander eats chocolate...for the first time.

Needless to say, it was hilarious to watch a four year old, running around with a chocolate-high.

I tell ya, I love Easter at Grandma's.

Always have.

Always will.

1 comment:

Schoolcraft Stuff said...

Hooray for Easter! The chocolate thing was crackin me up later that night. He turned the corner. Mmmm.