Friday, August 12, 2011

all good things must come to an end

As promised, I have one last post for Mary.

Mary and David left today, after a 19 day adventure in the PNW. The weather was pretty agreeable for a local but to a couple of kids used to Illinois, it was down-right chilly at times. They don't exactly enjoy plane flights but they were pretty excited to get home to warmer weather.

What wasn't so chilly was the three of these kiddos playing together. Oh, the fun!

For us, the evenings they spent at our house were the highlights of the trip. Eric would start a blazing fire for us to roast marshmellows and make smores.

Mr. Picky-Eater doesn't like smores but he does like graham crackers and marshmellows so he made do.

Mary and David, on the other hand, are expert marshmellow roasters. Light 'em on fire and serve 'em up!

Once the sugar rush hit, the kids would play in the dirt/mud, play a game of chase, or start screaming "Guybrush" at the top of their lungs (big thank you to the neighbor who responded, carrying our cat home to us) for at least a good hour or so.

Our last grand adventure was a trip to Coulon beach yesterday. We had lunch at Kidd Valley, played on the playground and dug trenches in the sand.

Alexander was very sad when he found out it was Mary and David's last day.

Ok, he was actually sad about leaving the beach but he didn't like learning his cousins were leaving.

We want to thank both Mary and David for being so good with Alexander and his four-years old antics. We love you very much and look forward to the next visit!

Auntie Chelle is looking forward to the next Pink Poodle Parfait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what can I say - best blog ever. They played and played like best friends forever. Thanks for the good times. Umma