Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"I Wuv Addie"

Tonight, I took Addie and Alexander to Little Gym. Addie's parents are enjoying a vacation in Hawaii this week. I thought I'd help out the grandparents by taking Addie through the class so they could rest. So, the grandparents were in the foyer and I ventured in with the two super-beasts.

I so wish I had thought to take my camera. These two little angels, who squeal and hug each other upon arrival, turn into tornadoes within minutes of the gym doors opening. All I could do was duck for cover! And laugh and laugh and laugh as a sprite little girl in pig tails and an adorable little man with his dimples ran completely over me at every turn.

Thankfully, this was one of the better classes for our two super-beasts. It was like they knew I couldn't split myself in two so they stayed on task, held hands, chased each other (so I only had one path to cover), team tackled me at every chance, and absolutely loved every minute of the chaos they created. Together. For the mommy, it was one of the more exhausting classes. God was pretty smart when He decided that I shouldn't have twins!!

On the drive home I always ask Alexander what he loved best about Little Gym that night. Tonight's answer was simple.

"I wuv Addie".

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