Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wave Bye-Bye

These days, Alexander waves bye-bye at the end of any event. It's hilarious because he is very determined that when he is waving, we are leaving RIGHT THAT INSTANT. When Mommy leaves in the morning, he waves out the window to her and gets very mad if she doesn't return the wave (and blow kisses). When we leave the house, he waves bye-bye to the house. When we get out of the truck, he waves bye-bye to the truck. When we get to the library/store/next location, he turns and waves to the truck again. When we walk past someone, he waves AFTER they've gone too far past us to see how cute he is waving (because he refuses to wave hello, most think he doesn't understand us). When we went to the birthday party of a one year old, after 5 minutes, Alexander decided he had enough and waved bye-bye emphatically for a good 20 minutes before I finally decided we better go or his arm might fall off. When I took him to the high school to watch a volleyball match, he sat on my lap, watched for a bit, clapped and yelled, then stood to face me...and began waving bye-bye - he'd seen enough. Like his father, when he is done - HE IS DONE.

So, if Alexander waves bye-bye to you while you are visiting, please don't take offense. He's just done with you. But he'll still walk you to the door and give you a kiss as you leave. And wave and wave and wave as you drive away.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely 100% love that little boy and will never, ever take offense! Way to be your own person Alex!!

Kate said...

A boy with a mind of his own, I'd say. :)

Anonymous said...

...and those kisses and waves to us through the window make our lives brighter and special. Especially after he has also handed us our keys!
Grandma B