Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Shout out to Auntie Liz...

Hope your broken toe(s) feel better soon!
A little advice on stairs...make sure you turn all the way around when going down so you don't trip and fall. I've tried to walk down stairs before, only to tumble down, and it can hurt (it was only the 2 step incline to my play room, for the record, not a full flight of stairs but still, it didn't feel very good ). If you need any help, just let me know. Since the small tumble I took, I've gotten pretty good at working stairs and could help you out, ok?
Love, your Northwest nephew, Alexander


ElizabethB said...

Thanks, Alexander--I'll remember that and be careful with that as well.

It's the sides that stick out that are what you really need to watch out for. Have grandma show you the picture. She has a nice picture of the broken toe, too.

Auntie Liz

P.S. The water fun sounds really exciting, at least it was free entertainment!

ElizabethB said...

Alexander probably won't find my blog posts very interesting, I've recently joined a group blog called "Kitchen Table Math," my latest post is "Picture Overshadowing—are Sight Words overshadowing phonics skills?"


Papa might find it interesting, though.