Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week Wrap Up

Last week, Mommy and Alexander had the week off from school. We had a pretty low-key vacation, which is what all of us needed as none of us were feeling 100%.

Alexander finished his homework.

I love seeing his name in his little boy handwriting.

We played a few games.
First up: Operation Toy Story 3 style.

Daddy wins Operation every time.

Next Up: Go Fish!

But in our house, Go Fish is better played as "GOLDFISH"!

We finished up a puzzle or two.

Yeah, that's a 3D one that Daddy glued and hung on his wall.
No big deal.

The weekend wrapped up with a surprise visit from Jo-Jo, a basketball game, and a snowy Sunday.

Next year, Alexander and I will have different mid-winter breaks. It is never easy to be reminded that this season in our lives is slowly coming to an end.

Oh, how we love our time together at home!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Learning Sight Words

As part of his reading homework, Alexander is expected to learn a list of sight words. You'd think this would be an easy enough task.

Turns out our little man wants nothing to do with sight words. He'd rather guess and wait for us to tell him the answer than learn the words. Unfortunately for him, his mom is really good at waiting it out and not telling her students the answers. We're making progress but it's definitely not an easy process.

Thanks to my good friend, Suzy (and Pinterest), Alexander is learning sight words in a fun and creative way!

Needed: One giant piece of tag board, pens, list of sight words, and two willing particpants.

Since Alexander loves trains, I adapted Suzy's idea (she used matchbox cars with her son) and made a train track, with the sight words listed along the sides of the track. I tell him the word to find from his list of sight words. He moves the train along the track until he finds the word and then he parks the train.

After he has the trains parked, I go back and quiz him on the words underneath. When he misses a word, the train leaves the track and he has to start over again.


And fun for everyone!

Monday, February 20, 2012

What's been going on

Alexander has been on ten days of antibiotics for an ear infection. His parents are a bit more stubborn, haven't been to the doctor's office, and thus, are suffering through sinus infections. BUT we're all coming through it so we can enjoy Mom's week off from work.

Here's what's been going on!

Alexander continues to play and enjoy basketball.

He did tell us the other day, "I'm ready for swimming now".

Guess we better look for the next session.

Which reminds me...

I need to call the local elementary school this week because it's time to register for Kindergarten.


When did my baby grow up enough for Kindergarten?
I don't think I'm ready for this.

*sniff, sniff*

In preparation for Kindergarten, Alexander has been given homework from preschool. He has a green folder that comes home every Monday and we send it back finished a week later. Personally, I love doing homework with him. Study table as a kid are some of my favorite memories with my brother and sister.

Anhow, these pictures are from my phone.
This was an assignment where the teacher used M&M's to help with math skills.


Especially when Mommy was told to eat the M&M's because our little scholar doesn't like them.



I'm speechless.

Apparently, so is Alexander - whenever he plays Angry Birds.
We FINALLY joined the world of Angry Birds.

Rule #1: You can play in the car.

Rule #2: You can play at home, as much as you like.

Rule #3: no Angry Birds when we have guests.

Rule #4: no Angry Birds when we are having family time.

Alexander's ultimate goal is "to be as good as David but Mommy, David is really good so I'm going to need a lot of practice."

Naturally, Mommy thinks this means we need an iPad...

I mean, David has one to keep him company, even in the hospital...

Hope you feel better soon, David!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Things have been BUSY around our house!
We've all caught a terrible cold so most nights consist of two of us on the couch and one in bed. It's been a rotating show but I think we're coming out of it. Alexander has had an ear infection, Mommy has a terrible sinus infection and Daddy is just doing his best to keep as healthy as possible.

We celebrated Lorelli's 9th birthday this past week. Alexander sent the sweetest birthday note to his cousin.

Later in the week, we celebrated the BIRTH of a NEW cousin to the family!

Meet Calvin Daniel!

For what it is worth, we HATE that we weren't there for Uncle Patrick. But we're doing our best to arrange a trip in June. Until then, Skype may be our best friend.

We're already so in love with the little guy.

Birthdays are good.

And so easy to remember when they are three days apart!