With each of us three battling winter colds, it is a good thing Alexander has so many new toys to keep him busy.
Despite tearing down Christmas decorations this morning, the train set remains in the middle of our living room.
I mean, how can we take this down??

Despite tearing down Christmas decorations this morning, the train set remains in the middle of our living room.
I mean, how can we take this down??

Such focus.
Such intensity.
Such joy.
Last night, we played game after game of Candyland as a family. Alexander has had to learn that he won't always win the game. It isn't an easy lesson for a kid who has competitive parents, and there were times when we found ourselves having to alter our attitude about playing the game.

I suppose we still have a few lessons about celebrating winning to teach the little man.
I can't forget about the toy the boys opened up yesterday while I was shopping.
A Black and Decker tool workshop!
A Black and Decker tool workshop!
The playroom is OVERFLOWING with toys. It is probably time for us to remove the Little People toys, since he doesn't play with them. Or maybe box them up and put them in the basement for now. All I know is we have run out of room. And in a 2500 square foot home, I never thought that would be possible!
I can't begin to imagine how we are going to find room for his toys after his birthday in a couple of weeks.
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