Today is the boys' blog. Alexander and Daddy. Two boys who spend the day, in their pajamas, just hanging out. Although, there are days Alexander does get dressed (not evidenced in the following photos) and Daddy does find time to take a shower, these boys love to play together. While the days begin a little early for Eric, after the morning nap, the two of them have grand adventures! Reading books, stacking blocks, racing cars down the long hallway, Daddy is the perfect playmate for Alexander.
Daddy is teaching Alexander to feed himself (Mommy doesn't have patience for the messes this produces). If we had a dog, the dog would be thrilled with this activity as half the food goes into the baby and the other half lands on the floor. Schmoo and Guybrush could care less, if it isn't catnip. The red wagon from Aunt Dotty has been a huge hit this week. Daddy pulls Alexander in the red wagon to get the mail and throughout the house. Since Alexander has become a little monkey recently and is climbing in and out of everything, the red wagon and the dump truck are the perfect height for his baby legs. Needless to say, no container is safe anymore.
So, even if the dishes don't always get done or the toys don't always get picked up, Alexander is happy, content, and being raised by one of the best men his mommy has ever known. Not every man would be willing to leave his job and be a stay at home parent.
Thank you, Eric, for staying home and raising our son.
More split pea soup, please
Daddy makes the best pancakes!
Hold on!
Little Daredevil