Five minutes ago, Alexander walked up to me and this was our conversation:
Alexander: "It's weird, Mom."
Mom: "What's weird, Alexander?"
Alexander: "I don't know. I can't explain it."
Mom: "Use your words. What's the "it" that is weird."
Alexander: "I don't know. I can't find the words."
Mom: "You have the words. Tell me what "it" is."
Alexander: "Life is weird."
Mom: "Why do you say that?"
Alexander: "So many people live and so many people die. Every day."
Mom: "That is true. And that's weird because..."
Alexander: "The flag should always be at halfmast, but then people are born so the flag goes back up."
Mom: "That's true. We should celebrate life, and death is a part of life."
Alexander: "See, that's weird. We can't keep the flag at halfmast all the time."
Mom: "Right. How do we make sure we live a good life?"
Alexander: "Live a good life by playing good, be fair, and love your friends."
I love how his wacky little mind works.
Park City Utah
3 years ago