To celebrate Mommy and Daddy's fifteen years of wedded bliss, we packed the car up and headed to the ocean!
One perk to having a March anniversary is the off-season discounts for most vacation spots.
We found a great two bedroom cabin in La Push (yes, home of the Team Jacob!).
We found a great two bedroom cabin in La Push (yes, home of the Team Jacob!).
Mommy kept herself occupied on the four hour drive by taking pictures.

Once we settled in, Mommy took even more pictures.
Once we settled in, Mommy took even more pictures.
Despite the rain, we can't take a trip to the ocean and not hike the Hoh Rainforest.
We packed up the rain gear and headed out.
We packed up the rain gear and headed out.
Within minutes, Alexander was running ahead of us, pointing out sights and smells of the rainforest.
Once we dried out, Alexander and Mommy played together while Daddy took a nap.
And then a movie on Mommy's laptop.

Our final morning was so much clearer that we knew we needed to get out to the beach before we left.
Our final morning was so much clearer that we knew we needed to get out to the beach before we left.
And then, Eric taught Alexander how to run from waves.