Last week, Mommy and Alexander had the week off from school. We had a pretty low-key vacation, which is what all of us needed as none of us were feeling 100%.
Alexander finished his homework.

I love seeing his name in his little boy handwriting.
We played a few games.
First up: Operation Toy Story 3 style.

Daddy wins Operation every time.

Next Up: Go Fish!

But in our house, Go Fish is better played as "GOLDFISH"!

We finished up a puzzle or two.

Yeah, that's a 3D one that Daddy glued and hung on his wall.
No big deal.
I love seeing his name in his little boy handwriting.
We played a few games.
First up: Operation Toy Story 3 style.
Daddy wins Operation every time.
Next Up: Go Fish!
But in our house, Go Fish is better played as "GOLDFISH"!
We finished up a puzzle or two.
Yeah, that's a 3D one that Daddy glued and hung on his wall.
No big deal.
The weekend wrapped up with a surprise visit from Jo-Jo, a basketball game, and a snowy Sunday.
Next year, Alexander and I will have different mid-winter breaks. It is never easy to be reminded that this season in our lives is slowly coming to an end.
Oh, how we love our time together at home!!