Gotta practice for the real deal, ya know.
Someone willingly stood for this year's picture in front of the door.

Yes, his hat is on sideways...the boys insisted it was better to wear it that way.
Someone LOVES his cousin....Dotsy the Clown!

Love. It.
Daddy opened a gift Umma and Big Papa found months ago at a garage sale.
A marshmellow shooter!
After being hit in the cheek, I can attest the thing hurts.
Kinda like that time Eric was riding the lawn mower and it shot a rock into my face.
You'd think the guy would have learned his lesson, right?
Umma liked her gifts, too.
A new scarf.
And a LED lantern.
Clearly, she's SUPER excited about the lantern.
Alexander helped Papa open his presents - a couple of long sleeved shirts for Arizona...which makes perfect sense for 80 degree weather, right?
I just got shot with a marshmellow as I sit here, updating the blog.
According to the boys, Christmas before Halloween is awesome.
After being shot at a dozen times tonight, I'm not entirely sure I agree.