Last weekend...or was it the weekend before last...? Anyhow, whatever weekend it was, Alexander had a busy three days of CAMPING. On Sunday afternoon, his Umma and Big Papa picked him up and they headed to the RV park to pick up the house on wheels!
From there, they drove about 11 miles (not kidding) to a state park that is tucked away in a forest and is next to a river. This state park is about 9 miles from our house (again, not kidding).

While Umma, Big Papa and Alexander set up camp, we set up for date night! Woohoo! Dinner, movie and adult time. Thanks Umma and Big Papa!

Monday afternoon, we drove to the site to join our family. The weather was pretty gross (it rained) but the company was good. Since his grandparents are snowbirds, we decided to celebrate the little man's birthday now, rather than try to fit it in with pre-celebrations of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Daddy and Umma's birthdays and other random events that occur during the winter months.
Opening the first present!
The entire box was filled with wrapped trains.
Alexander examines this one...
...and this one.
Thank you!!
We sang Happy Birthday with the traditional three candles (representing today, tomorrow and yesterday),
he made a wish, and enjoyed his cookie-cake.

The next morning, we took a day trip to visit a Flaming Geyser. It was bubbling more than flaming, as you can see.
look over his shoulder...see that little bubble in the middle of the pond...THAT'S the geyser!
Alexander loves his Big Papa!
The last evening cleared up enough for us to build a fire and sit outside. Alexander simply can't get enough of trains so here he is watching Extreme Trains. Again. And Again.

On our last morning, the sun was shining so we took a trip to the river.
Daddy and Big Papa taught Alexander how to skip rocks.
Before we left, we had to try for a family photo.
Umma and Alexander did a pretty good job of it.
As for the rest of us?
Not bad...considering none of us had showered.
I told you we were camping!!