Thursday, July 30, 2009
Blog Neglect
However, between Mommy being away at Leadership Camp and Daddy doing his best to avoid the high temperatures by finding indoor activities for a busy toddler to enjoy, the blog has been neglected. Once the house is back to some sort of order and routine, Mommy says she will have some sort of post for the blog, filled with witty remarks and cute pictures of a little boy, for your enjoyment.
Stay tuned!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Birthday party

Thanks for being such a good sport, Ho-Ho Papa, and giving us an excuse to bring the family together this summer.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Mama, no more go.
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's kinda like having a sister...
Playing side by side
Jump! Jump!
Reading first thing in the morning
Lorelli tells great stories
Maybe next year I will look into the camera, too.
During Lorelli's visit, along with three other adults, Mommy and Daddy took us, Cole, Addie, Delaney, Mason and Evan to the kids under the age of six. And if that wasn't enough, after the zoo, we invited Cole, Addie and Kieran over for a BBQ. Kieran is only seven months old but we let him play with us, too.
Waiting to walk into the zoo
Addie and Delaney
Cole and Mason
The Gang
Mommy and Me
At the zoo, they have this super cool climbing rock. I think Mommy and Daddy need to have one for our backyard because I totally loved it.
My climbing freaked Mommy out but she did a good job of staying calm.
Lorelli and Auntie Chelle
I'm not sure Daddy enjoyed our zoo adventure!
While Cole and Lorelli played...
Addie and I took a bath!
(we were filthy after digging in the dirt and playing in the pool!)
Kieran loved playing with Handy Manny tools
And the four of us played happily ever after!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Home, Sweet R.V., Home
The ride to the ocean took about 4 hours but we had plenty to keep ourselves occupied. Umma read books, told stories, and when all else failed, thank God we had a portable DVD player.
Off we go!
Watching Handy Manny (again)
Umma insisted on a picture with this binky
With the weather being what it was, we tried to make it to the beach whenever there was a break in raindrops. Alexander enjoyed digging in the sand and building sand castles with Dad. I was able to get him to stomp in the surf one time; but then the surf came in and freaked him out. After that point, he would only venture to the edge of the ocean if someone was holding him. Luckily, there were plenty of washed up trees on the beach for goat-boy to climb with Big Papa.
Alexander sees the ocean!
And realizes it is really big. And really loud.
Couple of cute kids
Walk, walk, walk
A boy and his Papa
Alexander was unbelievably well behaved for a two year old, cooped up in a R.V. for four days. He watched movies with Big Papa, had a slumber party each night and slept in Big Papa and Umma's room, played poker with us each night, and counted the rocks he collected for Umma. By the end of the trip, he wore Umma out. But she says we'll do it all again next year.
Big Papa and Alexander, watching Bob the Builder
Thanks for a great trip to the ocean!
Looking forward to next year!