In 2006, when Alexander was just a twinkle in his daddy's eye, Mommy had the opportunity to FINALLY take her Senior Trip. She accompianed six of her students (she calls them her Princesses) to Disneyland. She has shared many stories about these six favorite students and of the trip with just about anyone who will listen but mostly, she talks about it whenever she sees her Princesses because every story is full of laughter and fond memories that will be repeated for as long as we stay in touch with one another. I am so proud of these young ladies as they discover their way in life and I wish for them love, joy and happiness with whatever path they ultimately choose to take.
The Princesses
The Princesses

Kayla, Crystal
Last summer at a BBQ we hosted, Alexander met each of the Princesses (and a few of the other other favorites from my favorite class as well). Doesn't Nathaniel look super uncomfortable holding a baby? Introduce a 6 month old to a bunch of 19 and 20 year olds and you've just introduced the best form of birth control out there!!
Mikie is married now and moving to Chile to live with her husband. We met at our favortist restaurant, Red Robin, to say our goodbyes. Sadly, Kelly couldn't join us as she is still in Oregon going to school.
We love and will miss you, Mikie!!
My princesses two years later.
A delightful bonus to the afternoon was Jen and her son joining us to the luncheon. CJ and Alexander are 8 months apart and while they don't know it yet, they are going to grow up to be great friends.